Last year I started working together with an adoption agency called Nightlight Christian adoptions to try to give some of my children a better future. Some children in my house have no possibility of returning to the village and having adopted two children of my own I know how much joy, blessings and love adoption brings.
The children in my house definitely do not have a bad live living with me but having a family of their own with lot's of attention and love would be something they all deserve. After lot's of prayers, preparation and waiting Tikondane and Caleb were adopted by two families from America last week. Last month has been difficult for me. I'm so incredible thankful and happy that they have a family of their own now but after taking care for them for more than a year it is not easy to see them going. Lot's of tears rolled down my face thinking about them leaving me. Both of them are adopted by amazing families and I could not have asked for anything more. But the truth is it hurts when two children who called you mama for so long are gone. There are times I start doubting if it was the right thing to do to refer them to the adoption agency. But as a mother of so many children I see they want more love and attention as what I'm able to give them. Deep in my heart I know it is better for them to grow up in their own families and it would be selfish from me to keep them all in my house.
Both families promised lot's of updates and I'm eagerly waiting to see how they will adapt to their new lives and new families.
Adoption is an emotional process but definitely worth it. It opens a world of opportunities and chances for these two precious boys.
I can't thank God enough for guiding and leading me through these new steps in my life.
My prayer for Tikodane and Caleb is that they will be loved and cared for by their new families. That they will grow up knowing their biological family and country of origin. That they will receive unconditional blessings and love from their new parents and brothers and sisters.
That they will grow up knowing Christ and understanding why they were referred for adoption. That they will have the opportunity to return in the future to visit their home country.
Tikondane and Caleb will always have a special place in my heart.