While I’m writing this story I’m in the hospital again. Mika was admitted last week with cerebral malaria. During the day we went to the hospital and were send home with medication. During the night however his situation became critic. I rushed to the hospital and he got admitted immediately. That night he convulsed several times, I watched him all night. He was put on oxygen and stayed unconscious for another two days. Right now he is recovering and doing much better however still sleeping most part of the day. I praise the Lord He took care for little Mika because things could have gone much worse.
In the last few months a lot of things changed in my family.
Esinta lived with me for 7 months. Her mother died when she was 1 year old and she was diagnosed with TB. I assisted the family caring her back to health. She is now living with her father.
Another 5 children joined my family!
On the picture Eneless when she arrived in my house and Eneless after 3 months staying with me.
Mika joined our family several months ago. He was born to a mother who is
mentally unsound. The grandmother was taking care for him however couldn’t
manage anymore because of the severe status of the mother. She is very
aggressive and difficult to take care for. She was beating Mika. Mika is
currently 9 months old. He is a very handsome and happy boy. Please pray for a
good recovery so he can come back home soon.
Joshua is the smallest in our family. His mother died during childbirth at the
traditional healer leaving 9 children. The grandmother was trying to take care
for all children however couldn’t manage. The father who is very supportive is
currently taking care for 2 children and the grandmother for 6 children. The
youngest one is in the Africare house and will start living with his father
when he is around 8 months old.
Zenet also joined our family a while ago. She is a girl of 11 years old. She is coming from a very poor family. Her brother died earlier this year because of severe malnutrition. Zenet was living with her grandmother because her other remarried another husband. This husband had no interest in Zenet so she was abandoned from the family. He grandmother kept her at home very sick. For months she was not able to walk or do anything. When I got her out of the village she was immediately admitted in the hospital and given a blood transfusion. Her hb was only 4. She also had severe malnutrition. Zenet is a very energetic girl and is currently discovering a whole new world now she is able to go to school.
Zenet also joined our family a while ago. She is a girl of 11 years old. She is coming from a very poor family. Her brother died earlier this year because of severe malnutrition. Zenet was living with her grandmother because her other remarried another husband. This husband had no interest in Zenet so she was abandoned from the family. He grandmother kept her at home very sick. For months she was not able to walk or do anything. When I got her out of the village she was immediately admitted in the hospital and given a blood transfusion. Her hb was only 4. She also had severe malnutrition. Zenet is a very energetic girl and is currently discovering a whole new world now she is able to go to school.
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