Katie has been living with me since March 2015. As soon as
she arrived at my house we started looking for her family. However that was not
an easy task. We only had a phone number of her father’s family because they
mistreated Katie for many years. They were refusing to give any contact of her
mother’s family. Finally after five months and a lot of phone calls they gave
me a phone number of an uncle of Katie. The uncle travelled to the village of
the grandmother. After four long years Katie finally could speak to her
grandmother again. The grandmother who raised her, loved her and cared for her
before the family of her father took her away.
Katie’s grandmother is getting very old and every time Katie spoke to her she
asked when she was coming to visit.
Last week it was mid-term break at school
so I decided to bring her to her home village to visit her family. After a six
hour drive we arrived in Mulanje, a city in the southern part of Malawi. Katie
remembered the way to the village so it was not difficult to find.
As soon as we arrived in the village Katie’s aunties and friends came running
towards her. They couldn’t believe she was finally back and looking great. Her grandmother
was in church so we had to wait to see her.
We stayed in the village for four days and lived a real village life. Mulanje
is very warm this time of the year so we slept outside on a thin grass mat. We
woke up when the sun came up, went to the borehole to get water, made fires for
preparing food, and went to sleep soon after the sun went down. We enjoyed the
local food and many mangoes.
In the afternoon the grandmother arrived in the village and she didn’t leave
Katie anymore for the next four days. She was so happy finally to see her
granddaughter again.
Now Katie is a bit older she had the chance to ask some questions to her
grandmother about her mother. Her mother died in the village after a very short
illness and Katie was only three years old. In the morning she became sick and
in the afternoon she died. The birthday of the mother of Katie was the day we
arrived in her village, October 15th. Katie’s mother had done very well in school
and finished secondary school. Only a small percentage of the Malawians manage
to finish secondary school so Katie was very proud after discovering this. After
school she worked four years as a clerk and managed to build a nice house in
her village with the money she earned.
When Katie was younger she always liked to go to the river to swim with her
friends so we went back to that same river and enjoyed a nice swim. We had many
long talks with friends and family under the big mango trees in the village.
Some of Katie’s friends already were married and had children, she was shocked
about that and understands even more now how important school is.
Due to the floods last year in the southern part of Malawi there was no
harvest. Katie’s family is struggling to find food and most children in the family
are not going to school. Katie enjoyed seeing her family however it was
difficult for her to see how much her family is struggling. Her twelve year old
friends already have children and no future in front of them.
On the drive back home she told me she knows God loves her a lot. She went
through a lot of abuse and difficult times but now she has a new mother and the
chance to go to school.

Katie and her aunts

Mount Mulange
Tea Plantations
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